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About the Federation

The Berwickshire Federation of Village Halls is a not-for-profit organisation, supported by Scottish Borders Council and given day-to-day administration and assistance by the Borders Community Action. The Federation was set up in 1974 following the reorganisation of local government.


The Federation acts as an umbrella for the rural village and community halls found throughout Berwickshire. We currently have 26 member halls plus 1  associate member spread over 457 square miles.


To be a full member, the hall must be in a community with a population of less than 2000.


These halls provide a vital facility for our local communities and are all are owned by the community and run by local volunteers.


The Federation supports its member halls in several ways, including but not limited to:


  • Maintaining a local network of individuals active in their communities;

  • Administering the annual revenue grant from SBC;

  • Maintaining an emergency repair fund;

  • Being the focal point for both consultation and action on issues of common concern (e.g. insurance);

  • Acting as a channel of communication for external parties;

  • Provide publicity, promotion and coverage for halls


The Berwickshire Federation of Village Halls is funded by Scottish Borders Council was originally supported by the Berwickshire Association for Voluntary Service. In 2023, due to reorganisation in the third sector this changed to Borders Community Action.



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